Reflections on “a day in the life” and the overall impact of the program from UConnChem REU student Bree Hatfield.
“Hey guys I’m Bree Hatfield, a participant of the UConn Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program for the summer of 2016 in the Kumar lab. I am from Manteca, California and attend college at Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota. I competed in the NCAA, Division II as a member of the women’s soccer team. My majors include Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. The UConn Chemistry department has exceeded all of my expectations and included me without hesitation. Not to mention the research within the Kumar lab is incredibly fascinating. With this excitement I would like to show you what my daily routine consists of. So sit back for the next 24 hours because I’m taking over Instagram. I hope you enjoy! #UConnChemREU #takeover #NSFREU #UConnChemistry”
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